This is a summary of 3 fantastic days in the region of Genk, Belgium.

Mestrando Karamelo did organise a great event and gave a lot of well deserved belts.

I also was happy to meet and talk to some of the coolest capoeristas from Europe and beyond on that weekend.

Here is a video that doesn’t even show half of the fun :

More info on the group:

There is a quick update on the guest list:

  • Instrutor Ratinho, Axe Capoeira (link)
  • Mestrando Esquilo, Vem Capoeira (link)
  • Instrutora Nane, Vem Capoeira – Belgique (link)
  • Mestrando Lingo, Axe Capoeira (link)
  • Professor Dublê
  • Contramestre Jejeco, Capoeira Mato Rallo (link)
  • Mestre Gereba, Vem Capoeira
  • Professor Chú, Núcleo Capoeira (link)
  • Professor Tiago, Capoeira Jalara (link)
  • Professor Albatroz
  • Professor Curioso, Capoeira Camará (link)