Skill Required to change belt


Laranja – Azul (Orange – Blue belt )


Capoeira Routines

Advanced knowledges of the Basics an improved movements

Combination of movements and kicks (Including a minimum of 5 movements)

More precised, stretched and powerfull Kicks
Familiarity with the Capoeira Warm-up
Able to hold a class of beginners

Evolution in the game of Angola, Benguela, Regional and Maculele



Advanced konwledges of Capoeira instruments i.e. Berimbau, Atabaque, Pandeiro

Mastering min. 4 Toques of Berimbau i.e. Angola, Sao Bento Grande, Sao Bento de Bimba, Benguela, Juna and Santa Maria.
Familiar with the most Capoeira songs
Compose 1 Capoeira song ang being able to sing it at Batizado


Advanced knowledges of Capoeira History and its Evolution (Mestre Bimba, Mestre Pastinha, Zumbi, Besouro)

Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Regional: Mestre Pastinha and Mestre Bimba

Zumbi dos Palmares

Belt system and difference within Belts

Participation in Rodas, Street Performances and Shows

Participation in, At least 1 event/batizado of other Mundo Capoeira branches in Europe